National Worker Protection Standard: A Manual for Trainers 9 Pack of English (shipping is not reflected in cost)
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Box of 9 English manuals
For larger quantity orders please contact
Tom: tomsmith@npsec.us or 517.202.3019
This EPA-approved manual (EPA 730-B-16-001) begins with an introduction to pesticides and pesticide safety, including the federal pesticide regulations. It discusses each of the specific points that must be included in WPS training sessions and contains valuable information to help trainers prepare for and conduct pesticide safety training.
This manual focuses on effective ways to communicate pesticide safety and WPS information. It describes a variety of training techniques that are adaptable to different training programs and includes fifteen sample activities for WPS trainers. The final chapter addresses situations that may arise during training and provides suggestions on how to resolve them.
- Introduction
- Chapter 1: Overview of Pesticide Regulations
- Chapter 2: WPS Responsibilities for Employers
- Chapter 3: WPS Training Requirements
- Chapter 4: WPS Training Topics
- Chapter 5: Training Topics for Workers & Handlers
- Chapter 6: Additional WPS Training Topics for Handlers
- Chapter 7: Effective Training Techniques
- Chapter 8: WPS Sample Training Activities
- Chapter 9: Training Preparation
- Chapter 10: Situations and Suggestions
- Glossary: Definitions of Common Terms